
Veinotonic is a 100% natural product that belongs to the class of vasculoprotective venotonics .

Available in 4 pharmaceutical forms :

  • Veinotonic capsule: in box of 15 and 60 capsules
  • Veinotonic cream
  • Veinotonic KIT: a box containing 15 capsules and tube of cream.


Veinotonic has no contraindication.



Because of the synergy of these 4 components:

veinotonic : preserves the tonicity and permeability of the venous wall which prevents edema and facilitates the return of blood to the heart.

Vasoconstrictor and decongestant effect, which promotes the treatment of varicose veins, edema of the lower limbs and hemorrhoids.

Anti-inflammatory effect: treatment of hemorrhoids, especially in times of crisis.

Tonic effect: increases the resistance of the blood vessels and makes them more permeable which allows the treatment of hemorrhoids, frostbite and promotes the reduction of dark circles.


  • Citrus sinensis 40% poly 100 mg including bio flavonoids 45 mg
  • Horse chestnut 20% escin 125mg including 25mg escin
  • Red vine 100 mg
  • Grapes EXS 95% OPC 50 mg including OPC 48mg
  • Composition veinotonic cream : Citrus sinensis, escin, red vine, grapes EXS, aloe vera.


  • Venous circulation disorder (heavy leg syndrome)
  • Varicose veins
  • Hemorrhoidal crisis
  • Frostbite
  • Dark circle


  • Venous insufficiency, heavy leg, varicose vein: 2 capsules/day for 3 months minimum
    2 applications of cream/day, improvement is felt starting the 3rd week of treatment.
  • Hemorrhoidal crisis: 3 capsules/day and 3 applications of cream/day for 5 days .
  • Frostbite: 2 capsules / day and 5 applications of cream / day for 2 months.
  • Dark circles: 2 capsules / day and 5 applications of cream / day for 2 months.

BioBox Info

Immeuble Ataali bureau numéro 1
Rue Moussa Sadhi,
Borj Baccouch Ariana


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