
100% natural seawater, for washing the nose.

This seawater is pumped from the Normando Breton golf course (France), renowned for its unique high tides in Europe, and is cold filtered (0.2 micron).

Our seawater retains trace elements and minerals found in nature.


Composition / Ingredients

Nasomer contains a 100% natural hypertonic seawater solution 34g/l, without preservatives
150ml of Nasomer contains:
Na : 1677,9 mg
K : 57,9 mg
Ca : 58,06 mg
Mg : 198 mg

Therapeutic indications

  • Stuffy nose during colds, rhinitis or sinusitis
  • Washing and humidification of the nasal cavities
  • Cleanse and decongest the nasal cavities to facilitate breathing
  • Fluidify and eliminate the excess mucus, even thick one.


Child from 2 to 6 years old
One spray in each nostril, 3 times a day, 10 days maximum
Child over 6 years old
One spray in each nostril, 3 to 4 times a day, 15 days maximum
One spray in each nostril, 3 to 6 times a day, 30 days maximum
For daily hygiene
1 spray in each nostril as part of daily cleansing

BioBox Info

Immeuble Ataali bureau numéro 1
Rue Moussa Sadhi,
Borj Baccouch Ariana


direction [at]