Our goal is to guarantee you an irreproachable product that meets all health standards, both European and Tunisian.

The permanent satisfaction of the (needs ) requirements of our customers in terms of safety, quality, efficiency and respect European and Tunisian regulations are at the heart of our business.


Our commitment to quality is guaranteed by:

  • European partners of world-renowned certified iso 9001, ecocert and FDA .
  • Final packaging carried out in Tunisia by laboratories approved and certified iso 9001 .


All our products are double-checked :

  • The semi-finished products manufactured in France are checked according to European legislation.
  •  A second check in Tunisia after the final packaging.


BIOBOX has the needed expertise to guarantee its consumers soft but still efficient solutions because we don’t only develop products based on standardized extract (EPS) but we make the most of its activeness reachable for you.

BioBox Info

Immeuble Ataali bureau numéro 1
Rue Moussa Sadhi,
Borj Baccouch Ariana


direction [at] biobox.tn